Jasper TATA

Jasper Industries was established in 1955 and was one of
the first dealers appointed by Tata Motors in 1955.

Privacy policy

Privacy Policy

Jasper Industries Private Limited (henceforth referred as “JIPL”) is committed to protecting your privacy and security of your personal data. The protection of your privacy and personal data is an important concern to which we pay special attention in our business processes. We process your personal data, provided by you voluntarily during visits to our website, in accordance with the applicable law of the country where our website is maintained.

Except as otherwise provided in this Privacy Policy, in general, you can visit/ browse our website without providing your personal identification, where it is practical. Certain sections of the website may require your personal data in order to cater for your needs efficiently and to provide better information in relation to the products, services or information as may be requested by you on our website. Therefore, by accessing and using our website, you unconditionally accept the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy and voluntarily accord your unambiguous consent to authorise JIPL to collect, use and process all the information and personal data provided by you on the website in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

This privacy notice describes the information about you that JIPL collects through this website, how that information is used, maintained, shared, protected and how you can update it. It is effective on the date posted below and applies to our use of your information post effective date.

We encourage you to read and understand this Privacy Policy in connection with the use of our website.

1.Personal data that we collect

Personal data refers to data that lets JIPL know the specifics of who you are and which may be used to identify, contact or locate you (e.g. name, age, gender, mailing address, telephone number and e-mail address). We collect your personal data which you provide us, inter alia, in scenarios such as- (i) when registering for personalised services; (ii) in case you register for events; (iii) in response to a survey; or (iv) requesting information about our product or use of our services or request for customer support etc. We may ask you to provide your personal data relevant for the scenarios such as your name, address, zip code, phone number, email address and collect your IP address, location data, information about your device, etc. Not all of the personal data JIPL holds about you, will always come directly from you. It may, for example, come from your employer or other organizations to which you belong or through our retail network and preferred partners. However, JIPL collects personal data about you when you interact with this site and/or utilize products or services offered on this site. For example:

  • If you apply for a job or other staffing opportunity through this site, you will be asked to submit your resume and as well as other contact information such as your email address, phone number and mailing address. We will use this information to consider you for the job opening that you specify. We may also use this information to contact you regarding other staffing opportunities, both opportunities advertised on this site.

  • We may also ask you for personal data in connection with other interactions you have with this website, including when you answer a survey and when you report a problem with this site or services offered on this site.

  • We may use a third party service provider to assist us with some features of our site. Our service provider will receive your information on our behalf and will not be permitted to use it for any other purpose.

  • We also collect personal data from third parties such as our partners, service providers and publicly available websites, to offer services we think may be of interest and to help us maintain data accuracy, provide, and enhance the services.

  • Vehicle details including model, year, colour, vehicle registration number and selling details which includes invoice particulars, warranty details, dealer name and year of purchase.

  • Payment information
    Payment information including bank account number, credit/ debit card details, bank account type, bank names, etc. may be collected by our associated payment gateways. Such data shall be used solely for processing your transactions. JIPL will not save, store or used payment information for any future transactions.

    By providing us with your personal data or the personal data pertaining to your relatives, friends or any other third parties, you give us your voluntary and unambiguous consent and also confirm and guarantee that you have received a similar voluntary and unambiguous consent from such of your relatives, friends or third parties for the processing of such personal data by us, as per the terms set out in this Privacy Policy.

    By accessing and using our website, you automatically agree to the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy and you voluntarily consent and authorize JIPL to use all the information provided by you in accordance hereof.

    JIPL websites may contain links to other websites. JIPL shall not be responsible for the privacy or the content of such websites even if:

  • You accessed the third party website using links from our website; or

  • You linked to our website from a third party website.

  • 2.How we use your personal data

    We can only use your personal data if we have a proper reason for doing so. We will use your personal data, inter alia, for one or more of these reasons:

  • To fulfil a contract we have with you, or

  • If we have a legal duty to use your data for a particular reason, or

  • When we get your consent to use it, or

  • When it is in our legitimate interests which are our business or commercial reasons for using your data, but even so, we will not unfairly put our legitimate interests above what is best for you.

  • The use of your information is subject to the Privacy Policy in effect at the time of our use. We use the information provided by you for our general business use. This may include the following purposes:

  • To respond to your requests;

  • To send communications to you about our or our affiliates’ current services, new services or promotions that we are developing, and opportunities that may be available to you;

  • To provide services to you including customer services issues;

  • To investigate potential breaches, or to protect the rights, property or safety of JIPL and the Users of our website.

  • Legal obligations: We may be required to use and retain personal data/information for legal and compliance reasons, such as the prevention, detection, or investigation of a crime; loss prevention; or fraud. We may also use personal data/information to meet our internal and external audit requirements, information security purposes, and as we otherwise believe to be necessary or appropriate under applicable law, which may include laws outside your country of residence;

  • To respond to requests from courts, law enforcement agencies, regulatory agencies, and other public and government authorities, which may include such authorities outside your country of residence;

  • To measure or understand the effectiveness of advertising and outreach;

  • To ensure that our site and our services function in an effective manner for you;

  • To alert you to new features or enhancements to our services;

  • To communicate with you about job or career opportunities about which you have inquired;

  • To send you important information regarding the website, changes in terms and conditions, user agreements, and policies and/ or other administrative information.

  • Marketing and events: We use personal data/information to deliver marketing and event communications to you across various platforms, such as email, telephone, text messaging, direct mail and online. If we send you a marketing email, it will include instructions on how to opt out of receiving these emails in the future. We also maintain email preference centres for you to manage your information and marketing preferences. Please remember that even if you opt out of receiving marketing emails, we may still send you important service information related to your accounts and subscriptions.

  • We endeavour to collect only such data/information that is reasonably necessary to perform services for you or to respond to your inquiries. You are responsible for ensuring that the data/information you provide is accurate, complete and current.

    By giving your contact details on our website, mobile application or any other mode, you agree to receive communication from JIPL or any of its associate/ affiliate over email, SMS, phone call and/ or WhatsApp. JIPL reserve the right, in its sole discretion, to terminate your access to whole or any part of JIPL website and the related services or any portion thereof at any time without notice.

    3.When we share personal data

    JIPL shares or discloses personal data when necessary to provide services or conduct our business operations. If JIPL intends to transfer your personal data outside, JIPL shall take steps to ensure that your privacy rights continue to be protected and shall ensure that adequate safeguards are in place. We do not collect any special categories of personal data about you through our website (this includes details about your race or ethnicity, religious or philosophical beliefs, sexual orientation, political opinions, trade union membership, information about your health and genetic and biometric data).

    JIPL may disclose or share information about you to unaffiliated third-party customers of JIPL including but not limited to the entities mentioned below for the purpose of providing you products, services and offers of JIPL, its affiliates. For example:-

    i.Our business partners: We are the authorized dealer for Tata Commercial and Passenger vehicles / cars and regularly collaborate with Tata Motors Limited (“TML”), Tata Motors Passenger Vehicles Limited (“TMPVL”) and other organizations to deliver co-branded services, provide content, or to host events, conferences, and seminars. As part of these arrangements, you may be a customer of JIPL, TMPVL, TML and our partners, and we may collect and share information about you. JIPL will handle personal data in accordance with the Privacy Policy.

    ii.Manufacturer: TMPVL, TML the manufacturer and distributors of Tata Commercial and Passenger vehicles, which are independently owned and operated. They may use this information for their everyday business purposes, including marketing, customer service, fulfilment and related purposes.

    iii.Affiliates: Our subsidiaries, joint ventures, group and associate companies. These entities may use this information for the purposes outlined above.

    iv.Our third-party service providers: We collaborate with service providers around the world for any support needed. Personal data may be made available to these parties only when necessary to fulfil the services they provide to us, such as software, system, and platform support; direct marketing services; cloud hosting services; advertising; and order fulfilment and delivery. Our third-party service providers are not permitted to share or use personal data we make available to them for any other purpose than to provide services to us.

    We do not sell or rent your personal details to third parties for marketing purposes. We may provide your personal data, such as your first name, last name, email address, phone number, street address, city, state, province region, cookies, and IP address to third-party service providers we hire to provide services to us by emails, internet, etc. These third-party service providers may include but are not limited to: payment processors, all centres, data management services, help desk providers, accountants, law firms, auditors, shopping cart and email service providers, and shipping companies. We maintain the appropriate or suitable technical and physical safeguards in relation to the provision of your personal data to such third-party service providers.

    v.Third parties: We will share personal data when we believe it is required, such as:

  • To comply with legal obligations and respond to requests from government agencies, including law enforcement and other public authorities, which may include such authorities outside your country of residence.

  • In the event of a merger, sale, restructure, acquisition, joint venture, assignment, transfer, or other disposition of all or any portion of our business, assets, or stock (including in connection with any bankruptcy or similar proceedings)

  • To protect our rights, users, systems and for providing any services.

  • 4.Where we store and process personal data

    We take steps to ensure that the information we collect is processed according to this Privacy Policy and the requirements of applicable law wherever the data is located. JIPL has networks, databases, servers, systems, support, and help desks located throughout our offices around India. We collaborate with third parties such as cloud hosting services, suppliers, and technology support located around the world to serve the needs of our business, workforce, and customers. We take appropriate steps so that personal data is processed, secured, and transferred according to applicable law. We take measures to provide an appropriate level of data privacy protection.

    5.How we secure personal data

    JIPL uses appropriate technologies and procedures to protect your personal data. Our information security policies and procedures are closely aligned with widely accepted international standards and are reviewed regularly and updated as necessary to meet our business needs, changes in technology, and regulatory requirements. For example,

  • Policies and procedures: JIPL employs reasonable technological, physical and operational security procedures intended to protect your personal data from loss, misuse, alteration, or unintentional destruction. Our security measures are periodically reviewed and updated in an effort to provide appropriate security for all the data collected about you.

  • We implement appropriate security measures and controls, including monitoring and physical measures, to store and transfer data securely.

  • We place appropriate restrictions on access to your personal data.

  • We conduct privacy, information security, and other applicable training on a regular basis for our employees and contractors who have access to personal data

  • We take steps to ensure that our employees and contractors operate in accordance with our information security policies and procedures and any applicable contractual conditions.

  • 6.Cookies

    From time to time, we may use a standard technology called a “cookie”. A cookie is a small text file that is placed on a computer or other device and is used to identify the user or device and to collect information. Cookies are typically assigned to one of four categories, depending on their function and intended purpose: necessary cookies, performance cookies, functional cookies, and cookies for marketing purposes. A cookie cannot retrieve any other data from your hard drive, pass on computer viruses, or capture your e-mail address. Currently, websites use cookies to enhance the user’s visit; in general, cookies can securely store a user’s ID and password, personalize home pages, and identify which parts of a site have been visited. It is possible to set your browser to inform you when a cookie is being placed. This way you have the opportunity to decide whether to accept the cookie. By showing how and when our visitors use this website, this information can help us to improve our site on a continual basis.

    Cookies tell us nothing about you personally, unless you specifically give us additional information. JIPL does not merge or associate our cookie information with any personally identifiable information obtained by us or from third parties.


    We do not provide services directly to children or proactively collect their personal information. Parents or guardians may authorize children to use our website provided they assume all responsibility and legal liability for the conduct of such child including, without limitation, monitoring the child’s access and use of the JIPL site.

    8.How long do we keep your personal data?

    We retain personal data/information for as long as we reasonably require it for legal or business purposes. In determining data retention periods, JIPL takes into consideration local laws, contractual obligations, and the expectations and requirements of our customers. When we no longer need personal information, we securely delete or destroy it.


    JIPL may update the Privacy Policy from time to time. We encourage you to check our website frequently to see the current Privacy Policy so that you may stay informed of how JIPL is using and protecting your data/information. Whenever a change to this policy is significant, we will place a prominent notice on this website and provide an updated effective date.

    10.Protection of the Data Provided

    Our website has stringent security measures in order to protect your personal data provided to us. We store all such personal information in a secured manner, preventing its loss, misuse, wrongful disclosure, alteration or destruction. The said security measures are periodically updated. However, JIPL is not liable for breach of security during internet transmission of personal data/information, including any unintended loss, misuse, alteration or disclosure of such information. Furthermore, notwithstanding anything contained in this Privacy Policy, JIPL will not be responsible for any loss, damage or misuse of personal data/information, if such loss, damage or misuse is attributable to an event of force majeure or to any reason attributable to you.

    JIPL may disclose your personal data in good faith or whenever necessary to comply with a legal obligation or if disclosure was required by any law or by order of any competent court or statutory authority, to protect and defend the legal rights or intellectual property rights of JIPL.

    11.Your Obligations

    You warrant to JIPL that you will not use the website for any purpose that is illegal or prohibited by these terms of use. You shall not use this website in any manner which could damage, disable, overburden or impair the website or interfere with any other party's use and enjoyment of this website. You shall not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell any data, services obtained from JIPL website without our prior consent, directly or indirectly in any medium. Neither these materials nor any portion thereof may be stored in a computer except for personal and non-commercial use.

    12.Governing Law and Jurisdiction

    This Privacy Policy shall be governed by the laws of India; and the Courts of Hyderabad (India) shall have the exclusive jurisdiction to try any dispute arising thereof.

    13.Questions/ Contact Information

    If you have questions or comments regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact us at:corporateaffairs@jasperindustries.com.